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Sex, Drugs and Murder

Frontline professionals say G use is a public health emergency, with daily overdose admissions across the country.

Patrick Strudwick, LGBT editor of BuzzFeed News investigates

Two thirds of the 2,700 G gay men who responded, told us they’d had serious problems with the drug, such as addiction, overdosing or sexual assault.

  • Half of the G users in our survey reported that they had passed out

    • 93% of them said they knew other people who had done so as well.

  • Over ¼ of users reporting being sexually assaulted

  • Almost ½ have overdosed

  • In our survey, most respondents were unaware snoring could be a critical warning sign that someone is slipping into a lethal coma, with only 1/5 saying they’d intervene if someone was snoring heavily.

  • More than one in four of the G users we surveyed, said they knew of someone who had died as a result of using this drug.

Two hospitals in London monitor illegal drug use as part of an EU drug report. In the most recent available figures, G was responsible for more admissions than cocaine, heroin, cannabis or m-cat. Yet G use is still not officially monitored by the major UK drug surveys.

  • G - 380 admissions

  • Cocaine - 261 admissions

  • Cannabis - 173 admissions

  • Heroin - 183 admissions

  • M-cat - 153 admissions

Dispatches submitted Freedom of Information requests to 133 NHS Trusts across England and Wales.

  • 97 were unable to give us any figures on GHB

  • Only four seemed to be actively looking out for this drug; Portsmouth, Blackpool, Guy’s and St Thomas’s and King’s in London.

  • These four hospitals saw almost 700 cases involving G in the year to November 2018.

  • If the figures from these four hospital trusts are representative of G use elsewhere; that could mean that as many as 17,000 people a year are going to hospital after taking G.

The lack of clear data on G means many hospitals remain unaware of the scale of the problem.

Dr Owen Boden-Jones, founder of the Club Drug Clinic in London, the first in the country to develop a way of treating G addiction. “The one thing that’s really distinct though, about GHB, is the small difference between the amount a user takes to get the desired effect and the amount that causes an overdose. There are some national statistics and those national statistics show that over the last decade, the number of people who die with GHB detected in their system, is around 20 per year. Now; that is probably a very large underestimate and the reason for that is when there’s a death, there’s not always the toxicology done to detect to see if GHB is there.”

When Patrick put to Andrew Harris, Senior Coroner, London Inner South that the death rate from GHB could be similar to the death rate from knife crime he responded:

Andrew Harris, Senior Coroner, London Inner South, “Yes, I accept that.  I think this a wider matter for government and for the public. This needs looking at. I mean, certainly I wasn’t aware how big an issue or that—what the under-reporting or alleged under-reporting was a big issue,”

Lord Brian Paddick:

Lord Brian Paddick used to be the highest ranking out gay police officer in the Met. He lost his former partner to a G overdose.

 “At the inquest, when the person who was at the venue said that they heard him snoring, so they let him sleep on the sofa, the coroner interrupted and said, ‘If somebody’s taken G and they start snoring that’s a sign that their respiratory system is shutting down. That is the time to call the ambulance. From talking to people, it’s extremely widespread. The whole problem is a reluctance—even amongst the families of those who’ve died from an overdose of G; not wanting to talk about it. But bearing in mind the number of deaths that there—that we do know about and how common taking G is; then, I think we’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg. 

 The gay community is fighting all the time in terms of rights. When I was born it was illegal to be gay; I was bullied at school because people basically knew that I was gay. And so, there is a reluctance for the gay community to admit that they have perhaps more of a drug problem than—than the heterosexual community.” 

Stephen Port:

In 2016, Stephen Port was convicted of using G to drug, rape and kill four young gay men he met on Grindr. Three of them were found in a graveyard near his home. One, with a fake suicide note. Police initially dismissed concerns raised by relatives of the victims. The families are suing Scotland Yard, claiming their loved ones were discriminated against because they were gay.

 The Independent Office of Police Conduct has identified systemic failings within the Met Police and has made a number of recommendations, but no officers are to be disciplined. The Metropolitan Police declined to be interviewed for this film.

 Dispatches met Daniel, he used to buy G from Stephen Port after meeting him on Grindr, at the point they met Port had already killed two men.

“I got a call from Homicide and Serious Crimes Division. And when I say I call; I mean like they visited my home and I was like; ‘Right okay. What’s happened?’ Like—and then he explained to me he’d been arrested on suspicion of murder for four young gay menSo, the last thing that they said at the end of the statement, just before he was leaving, was, ‘Look, I don’t mean to scare you, and this is off the record sort of thing, but just to let you know that everyone Stephen had blocked he’d killed. But you were blocked—but obviously you’re here.’ And that—that’s when my heart sunk.”

 Patrick, “He was telling you that you could have been the next victim?”

 Daniel, “That’s the kind of gist he was angling it at. There was part of me that just like, well why did you just tell me that? Do—do you know what I mean? Like—it’s—I would rather have not known.”

48 Minutes

Patrick Strudwick

Katie Rice

Brian Woods



Best Investigation Nominee 2019
British Journalism Awards


"A new British documentary reveals the gruesome pattern of rapists who use a popular party drug to incapacitate gay and bisexual men and broadcast attacks online."
Ellen Cranley, Bussiness Insider

Event Magazine

"Drug nicknamed 'Grievous Bodily Harm' blamed for victims being raped and filmed"
Hugo Greenlaugh, Mirror

"Party drug used to rape, film comatose gay men - UK documentary"

"The rising use of a ‘nightmare’ chemsex drug which leaves users feeling like zombies has led to an alarming increase in rapes and deaths among its predominantly male user base, an eight month investigation has found."
Chis Caulfield, Metro

"Party drug used to rape, film comatose gay men - UK documentary"
Hugo Greenhalgh, Mail Online

"The chemsex drug GBL, which can cause fatal overdoses and has been used in sexual assaults, rape, and murder, is being sold on Facebook, a joint investigation by BuzzFeed News and Channel 4’s Dispatches has found. The investigation uncovered the hidden ep"
Patrick Strudwick, BuzzFeed News

"The documentary sheds light on fears that the recreational use of the drug by gay men could be killing hundreds of people per year, with deaths receiving little attention aside from the widely-publicised case of serial killer Stephen Port"
Nick Duffy, Pink News

"Paddy Bloor’s story is part of a harrowing, shocking film from BuzzFeed News’s LGBT editor Patrick Strudwick, who himself has lost friends to overdoses of a drug that is absurdly cheap (as little as 50p a hit) and ridiculously easy to obtain."
Alison Graham, Radio Times