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Growing Up Poor - Lads

Filmed over one summer Poor Teens follows three very different teenage boys. All on the cusp of adulthood and dealing with the normal pressures of growing up with one similarity - they are all having to survive on under a tenner a day.

Craig doesn't want to leave home but his mum's lost her job and cannot keep the house, leaving him unsure of where to go or what to do.

After growing up with no father figure, Wes is determined to be part of his son's life - but being there and financially supporting him are two different things, so finding work is a priority in a city where jobs are scarce.

Life on the streets means the smallest mistake can affect your entire future, as Frankieknows only too well. He's a changed person now and has a plan, but in a recession just getting a chance is hard enough.

Each of the guys lets you into their world, and we witness them trying to make their dreams come true.

Help for Teens in Poverty

There are many specialised charities in the UK working to tackle the issues causes by poverty, which can offer help and support to young people in similar circumstances to those shown in the film. Details of a range of organisations can be found at the bottom of this page and also on the BBC Growing Up Poor website.

However if you specifically wish to help the young people in the film, items can be sent to our office at 49a Oxford Road South, London W4 3DD and will be passed on to Craig, Wes and Frankie.  However if you do send anything to our office, please also include postage to cover the cost of sending your gift on. If you wish to send a cheque, please make it payable to The Aletheia Foundation.  If you want to make an online transfer please credit The Aletheia Foundation, AC No. 22637907, Sort Code 60-05-30.  And please make it clear to whom you would like any gift to go. If you want further information, email Petra on who can give you details.

Latest News

March 2013


Thanks to the generosity of our viewers, Frankie is focused on getting his grades for University, he has been offered a place at two Universities so far. However finance is still a big problem so any donations are a huge help to enable him to enroll.  There may also be some work in the pipeline which will help to keep him in his studies.


Thanks to viewers donations, Wes is now able to take a driving course which should make him more employable and to enable him to follow his dreams to work in sports training.

Further sources of help

Money Advice & Benefits

Housing Help

General Advice


Health and Pregnancy Support

Drug & Alcohol



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Population pyrimid tool


We have been contacted by a number of people interested in the music used in the film. The track listing for the Lads film is as follows:


Plastic People by Four Tet

Four Fourteen by Mark Beazley

All The Right Moves by Jamie Perera

Stay The Same (Featuring Andreya Triana) [Blue Daisy 'Not Quite the Same' Remix] by Bonobo

Three O One by Mark Beazley

The Keeper (Featuring Andreya Triana) [Banks Remix] by Bonobo

Replay by Jamie Perera

Antiphon by Hidden Orchestra

Sun by Caribou

Strange by Hidden Orchestra

Hey Sparrow by Peaking Lights

Three Thirty Five by Mark Beazley

Pick Up by Bonobo

Perfect Darkness by Fink

D Song by Bonobo

57 Minutes

Dave Foulkes

Brian Woods
Tina Cawte



"A sobering conclusion underlines how markedly the odds are stacked against the trio - and young people in general"
Gwilym Mumdord - The Guardian

"There is a level of mutual assistance and solidarity among the truly skint that shamed the nasty divisiveness of that recent Conservative ad campaign"
Tom Sutcliffe - The Independent

"The film-maker is careful to reserve judgement, leaving you to draw your own disheartening conclusions"
Claire Webb - Radio Times

"Pick of the day"
Sunday Times

"Dave Foulkes' excellent, unflinching film"
Andrew Billen - The Times

"IDS would do well to watch."
Gabriel Tate - Time Out